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Verve Stock Theme: Autoresponse from homepage module

Is there a way to send out an autoresponse confirmation email when people sign up on the homepage module? Been troubleshooting this, unsure of how to go about this

Official response from

Hi Erwin,

Traditionally, there isn't a way to include an autoresponse confirmation email within a basic page that is set as a homepage.  There are however, two workarounds, that can be utilized to achieve the functionality requested.

1) If possible, using a page that does utilize autoresponse emails such as a signup page for your homepage. 

2) Alternatively, you can use the basic page that is setup currently and extract forms from a signup page.  This will allow you to send and even modify the confirmation email that is sent when an individual signs up through the homepage.  I've provided a tutorial below on how this can be done.  


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