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Is there a way to create filters that subtract certain criteria automatically?

If I want to regularly contact all voters in a county who are 65 and older that haven't been contacted in the last week, I would expect to create a filter along these lines:
( >65 + County) - (Contacted in <7 days) = Targets

However, I can't find any way to create a filter that automatically subtracts people within a certain criteria from a larger pool. I can see how I can manually use a filter and then pull people out each time I need a list, but this seems like it will add up to a lot of time lost and much more potential for error than if I created one decent filter, especially if I need to subtract multiple groups of people.

Is there anyway around creating new lists every day? 

Official response from

Hi Matt,

Yes, you can build a filter that will pull the information you're looking for. When saving it, however, please note that the date of birth fields is a set date that you may have to update when using the filter again later. This way, instead of having to work with creating new lists each day, you can simply update the filter and you're set!


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