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Do blog entries have a Excerpt field?


All standard wordpress pages have Excerpt fields as an option. This is good, because Excerpts can be super-awesome, especially if the person writing the page is long-winded and doesn't get to the point until the third of fourth paragraph. The Excerpt will summarize and present it front and center. WordPress has the Excerpt function for every post:


Here's how it opens:

The WordPress Excerpt is an optional summary or description of a post; in short, a post summary.
The Excerpt has two main uses:
1. It replaces the full content in RSS feeds when the option to display summaries is selected in Dashboard › Settings › Reading.
2. Depending on the WordPress theme, it can be displayed in places where quick summaries are preferable to full content:
  • Search results
  • Tag archives
  • Category archives
  • Monthly archives
  • Author archives
I am working on a site that will have many subdomains and many, many contributors to the blog. These are scientists who are contributing, and many of them are frightfully longwinded. The client has specifically asked for some CMS method for summarizing blog posts. I did some research and found the Excerpt.
However, I cannot figure out how to get the Excerpt field to appear on standard blog post pages, just normal pages. Does it need to be enabled somehow? Am I missing something? Help!
Official response from

Hi Tim, the excerpt for a blog post can be defined in either Settings → SEO → Excerpt, or Settings → Social Media → Excerpt for Facebook, search engines. 

Once you’ve entered and saved the excerpts of your blog posts, inserting the following liquid tag within the loop of your _blog_latest.html include should pull the respective page excerpts: 

{{ post.excerpt }} 

The first part of this tag (“post”) should, of course, correspond to the looping variable you’ve instantiated. 

Here’s an example of what your _blog_latest.html might look like. The following sample pulls the titles and excerpts of the four most recent blog posts, and links to the original posts:

{% for post in limit:4 offset:0 %}

        <h3><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.headline }}</a></h3>
        <div class="excerpt">
        <p><span>{{ post.excerpt }}</span></p>
        <span class="read-more"><a href="{{ post.url }}">Read more</a>&rarr;</span>

{% endfor %}

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