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Having two sites use the same calendar


I have an organization as a client who has a 501(c)3 on NationBuilder and their 501(c)4 as a subNation.

They have asked if it's possible to have both sites use the same calendar of events (so they don't have to enter it twice or have two lists of attendees).  

I was going to tell them simply that NationBuilder doesn't offer cloning of data between sites, but now I'm wondering if there is actually a way to do this. Like, perhaps, have all the events on the 501(c)3 site, but have an events calendar on the 501(c)4 site that is built from events on the 501(c)3?  Is that possible? 


Official response from

Hi Tim, 

Sharing that type of content from site to site is not currently a feature. You can add a request for it in our Feature Suggestion area: Submitting it there allows other users to show their support for features, and helps us set our development priorities.

You can try using an iframe, or creating an RSS feed of the page that you can then embed. 

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