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Can I have a Calendar Widget Similar to Google Calendar?


I had expected that the NationBuilder calendar would display events on a graphical calendar, similar to Google Calendar, but it seems that the calendar is just a listing of events an optionally shows their location on a map.

Is there a way I can get the events to display on an actual monthly calendar?

Thank you very much!

Official response from

You're correct that by default, events either display in chronological order or in relation to where someone is geographically. 

It is not possible, out of the box, to display events with a block-style calendar. You may want to add your voice to the feature suggestion for this functionality. 

With advanced knowledge of Liquid, it is possible to create that type of calendar and a few NationBuilder Architects offer that service. If you choose to embed a calendar from elsewhere, you may find our how to embed guide useful. 

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