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Is there a way to mark people as attended using batch update? Other workarounds?

Our organization uses paper sheets as sign-in sheets at some of our events. What is the best way of inputting the data from these sheets into our NationBuilder? There are two disctinct tasks we want to accomplish: 1) Adding new "people" to our NB 2) Marking all folks on the list (new people and existing people) as having "attended" our event. I understand that you can mark people who RSVP as having attended, but is there any way to have someone go straight to "attended" without being on the RSVP list first? Perhaps through batch update? Thanks!

Official response from

The batch update function does not include the ability to batch add folks to an event as RSVPs or to mass mark folks as attended. 

The only way to add folks to an event is to manually ad via Event settings > RSVPs. 

If you are using tags to flag that folks have RSVPed and attended an event, you can add tags to a profile via a batch or an import. 

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