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We're excited to announce an update to the interface of the Finances section that makes it more useful and more consistent with the rest of the product.

The first thing to notice is that there is now a running total of all your transactions. This running total will always be accurate for the transactions included in your filter criteria. For example, if you want to see how much money you've raised in any amount of time, you'll just need to add a filter criteria for transaction date. You'll be able to use date ranges, including relative ranges like within this year or in the last 30 days. 

Here's an example of filtering for donations made within the last month:

filter for donations made within the last month includes running total

If you accept monthly donations or installment plans, the running total gives you access to much more insight into your finances than you've had before. You can see how much you raised from monthly donations in January by filtering for monthly donations within the last month. Add the installment plan donation type and you can see how much you raised from all recurring donors in January.

Filter criteria to find all recurring donations made in the last month:


Changing the time frame to within this month will show how much you've raised so far in February.

Another addition is the ability to export the results of your searches, which allows you to get a more tailored version of your financial transaction history.

Finally, we've added the ability to track expenses in NationBuilder. In order to add an expense, just click on +Transaction, then enter the person you've paid the expense to, and the information about the expense. If you'd like to import expenses, please email [email protected].

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