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PHP Failing to work...

Very descriptive, I know. But after running through the PHP quickstart  I get so far as obtaining the code, but when trying to get an access token it returns a 400 bad request error with the message: "Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand."

This is all code provided by nationbuilder, so what went wrong? Is there anything I need to know before starting? I set up an app. It is set to public. It currently says "in review" for status but I see no mention of this mattering in the docs. 

This is the code:


$client_id = 'xxxxxx'; //obviously i use the real id and key
$key = 'xxxxxx';

$client = new OAuth2\Client($client_id, $key);

$redirectUrl = '';

$authorizeUrl = '';

running this gives the code below.
$authUrl = $client->getAuthenticationUrl($authorizeUrl, $redirectUrl);

echo $authUrl;

$code = 'xxxxxx';

$accessTokenUrl = '';
$params = array('code' => $code, 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUrl);
$response = $client->getAccessToken($accessTokenUrl, 'authorization_code', $params);
$token = $response['result']['access_token'];


Did I miss something? Or does someone have a more complete example to try?

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