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Is there a max height for basic pages?

I've embedded a form from a third party service (JotForm). I placed the code in the Template of the page. 

But the form on the page gets cut-off.

Go to: 
Click Submit without filling out any of the fields. You'll see error messages on the form fields (that's ok).
Now look to the bottom of the page - you can't see Submit anymore without having the scroll. 

I've already adjusted the code to a height of 5000px (almost double the height of the form). Any suggestions on how to prevent this? 


Official response from

There is no maximum height limit for basic pages. What's happening on your page is that the embedded code of your form is using an iframe with a specified height of 4770px with scrolling enabled. When the form refreshes with an error message, it makes the embedded form longer — but the height of the iframe doesn't change. 

You can specify a larger iframe height by editing the code of the embed in your page-level template.

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