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What do the various actions mean in Social Capital automated awards?

We'd like to adjust the automated social capital awards found in Settings > Defaults > Social Capital. However, the listed automated awards aren't always clear what its corresponding action is. There doesn't seem to be a FAQ for what these awards mean.

So in order to determine whether we should use a specific award or which ones to adjust (those we want people to do more of), it'd be great to have a reference list. 

For example:

(1) What's the difference between "Signup" and "Supporter"? I understand Supporter to also include someone who has signed up for our nation. So I'm not sure how "Signup" is different.

(2) Tweet, Facebook Post

Any tweet or FB post by any Supporter regardless of whether the tweet or FB post is about our nation?

Is this when someone tweets/posts using the NB auto-prompt after she has completed an action on a page? (e.g., tweeting "Tell all your friends, they should join you!")

How about when someone is tweeting from within Twitter or posting from within FB, and not through our nation? Do those count?

(3) What does "broadcast" mean in: Tweet Broadcast, Facebook Post Broadcast, Retweet Broadcast

(4) I couldn't figure these out:
Match Name
Match Twitter


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