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Facebook Events

Hi! I have been managing a Nation for months now, and I haven't been able to sucessfully export a calendar event into our official page.  I have read the help and questions section of several websites, but no matter what setting I change or what face book page I have open, the events always post to my personal face book page and not the nonprofit page.  Is there a way to populate to the nonprofit page and not my own? I know the method of linking them once they are both created, but I am wondering if I can save myself some data entry on facebook by exporting the calendar directly. Thanks!

Official response from

The best way to connect an event hosted by your official Facebook Page and an event on your nation is by first creating the event on Facebook, then connecting your identical NationBuilder event to that existing Facebook event.

For more detail, see this FAQ page: How do I connect a NationBuilder event with a Facebook event?

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