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How can you eliminate orphaned text on event posts with "after the flip" from blog posting?


Dear Nationbuilder community:

My name is Jeremy, and I am the events coordinator with LA Makerspace.  I am trying to figure out if there is any way to make event posts work just like blog posts where you have both a "before the flip" and an "after the flip" box to use.  The reason I am investigating this is because when making an event post, Nationbuilder seems to choose at random where to end text before providing the "Show all" link, leaving orphaned text behind.  Blog posts on Nationbuilder clearly allow you to prevent this from happening thanks to the "After the flip" box.

A friend of mine at the Makerspace showed me that I can change the code for how event postings work by clicking on the "Template" tab...but because I don't know anything about coding, I don't know how to go about hardwiring event postings so that they allow you to type in what goes in "before the flip" and "after the flip" instead of just having an "Intro" text box.

Please let me know how I can fix this.  I do not want to leave orphaned text behind on every post as that looks rather sloppy.

Thank you for your help!
Official response from

In short, this modification is not possible without some extensive theme modifications. To do so, I recommend reaching out to a NationBuilder-certified Architect. If you'd like to change the truncate limit for event pages, you can do so by editing the "_event.html" file in your custom theme. If you do not yet have a custom theme, you can create one using these instructions:

Instructions for web developers comfortable editing Liquid/HTML/CSS code: 

If you'd like to have the event page functionality act similar to the blog post pages in that people could decide for themselves where the truncation happens, you could use the following walkthrough in the "_event.html" file:

In other words, you could make it so that when creating an event via the control panel, adding the term "SPLIT" in the middle of your event description would let the site know which section of that description was "before the flip" and which section should be "after the flip".

You could then make a corresponding change to the "user_event_pages_new.html" file in your custom theme so that two text boxes show up, one labeled "before the flip" and the other labeled "after the flip". You would need to add some Javascript so that the two text boxes concatenated together with the word "SPLIT" between them is submitted as the event description text.

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