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Listing subpages

I'm trying to show the subnav/ list sub pages in a custom sidebar. So if I have a page Youth, I want to list all the subpages of Youth, etc.

I've been trying all sorts of liquid variables and can't seem to make it happen so any help is greatly appreciated!


Official response from

Hi there! 

This is a great question, but not one easily answered via an FAQ because of the highly case-specific nature of the answer.

I'd recommend exploring the _breadcrumbs.html file of one of our stock themes, where you'll be able to see how we code the sub-navs that appear on pages in our default themes. That will give you a glimpse into how we do it, which you'll then be able to customize to use within your own theme.

If you have specific questions, feel free to email your organizer. And happy coding!

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