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Have you ever wondered how to search for people in your nation who like a Facebook post on your organization's page? With NationBuilder's expanded search functionality, you can now find these people in NationBuilder. This feature provides a great way to build engagement and initiate different modes of contact with your supporters. 

For example, if you're a non-profit organization and want to make a push to your social media savvy supporters to share an article on Facebook, you can pull a list of people who liked a Facebook post and send a blast email to them that makes that important ask. Here's how you find those folks:

In advanced search, click on Activity and check the box for "Liked Facebook Post." This will search for everyone that's liked a post on your Facebook page. You can learn how to connect a Facebook account to your nation over in our How To on using Twitter and Facebook to promote your nation

Facebook Like Search in NationBuilder

Once you know who you're reaching via Facebook, the next step is developing an engagement strategy. Geoffrey Colon describes six ways to leverage Facebook on the Social@Ogilvy blog.

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