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Adding Zip Code to _signup_form

Hi there!

I would like to add a zip code field to the standard login box. I pulled the address field from the standard sign up page and plopped in _signup_form.html between the email and the Sign In button:

{% text_field "email", class:"text" %} {% text_field "submitted_address", class:"text" %} {% submit_tag "Sign up", class:"submit-button" %}

And it worked! Yay!

I have one question remaining that I cannot answer.

On a standard sign up form, on the email field ({% text_field "email", class:"text" %}) the text "Email address" appears in the box:

I like the way this looks and I want the text "Zip Code" to appear inside the submitted_address field How do I do this?

In other words, how do I make the text "Zip Code"appear in this text box:


I thought that maybe I could see the way {% text_field "email", class:"text" %} was displaying "Email address" inside its text box, and then copy that method. But I looked and looked but I can't find where that text is coming from. No dice.

Official response from

To have text show up in a signup form, you'll simply want to add in a placeholder. For example, if a I had a text field that was capturing peoples email addresses, I could use this code. Make sure that you don't have a space in between the colon after placeholder and the quotes that surround your actual placeholder text. {% text_field "email", class:"text", placeholder:"Email Address" %}

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