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"County can't be blank when signup county id present" - can't I "import" county+state to fix this?

I'm trying to "import" to update some phone numbers.   For most people, all works well.   But for some (~50), we get an error:

    registered_address.county can't be blank when signup county file id present

It's true that those records did already have a county_file_id and have no county name.   So I tried to set one - in all three fields, Registered address / county, Mailing address / county, and Primary address / county.  The latest attempt is here:

But no matter what I do, whether I re-set the registered address/state along with county, whether I set the county_file_id to what it is already set to or leave it un-uploaded, I get this error.

I could make a list of the relevant people and use batch update.   But I don't understand why this isn't working, and wonder if I'm missing something important.

Official response from

You needed to check 'overwrite existing data' for the County column to be imported. This one is now completed for you, so you just need to check that box in future.

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