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Sign-Up Form has top AND side nagatation?

I'm having an issue with some of the "Navigation" settings on my "Sign-Up Form."

Whenever I create a "subscribe" page, my sign-up page has a "drop down navigation" element on the side (which is uniform to the whole website and I would like to keep it) but also at the top (which is not on any of the other pages, nor has this problem come up before). Even if I made subscribe_2 and subscribe_3 pages from scratch using different settings, I still get both navigation.

When I go into the "page settings," I can take away the side bar but not the top-bar. Is there a setting I'm missing? Or, by chance, does anyone know the CSS for the top-bar navigation so that I can just go in and delete it? 

Thanks so much!

Official response from

Hi Gabrielle!

I checked out your page titled "Subscribe". It looks like that top navigation bar's styling is coded as ".panel" in your bootstrap.css file. Since this is a more specific case with customization, feel free to email us at [email protected] if you need further info on where to go to make those changes. We can't make any changes for you, but we can point you in the right direction!

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