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commented on #EverydayLeaders
Tami Streib, RN, Fredricksburg, VA

Tami is the school nurse at the DOD Cross Roads Elementary School at the U.S. military base in Quantico, VA. Tami has the responsibility of caring for the children of military troops. Not only does she handle the kids’ regular bumps and bruises but she also must deal with sick kids, parents that send sick kids to school and determining which students must be quarantined to meet COVID-19 protocols. (Some of the parents get irate when they learn that their child must be sequestered.) Her school did not and very likely will not close due to government mandates.

Tami has displayed exceptional courage as a frontline worker in caring for the children and putting her own health at risk every day. She also brings a caring, positive attitude to her work.
posted 2020-12-03 08:54:50 -0800