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How do I get the side bar to appear next to content slides in the Aware theme?

In the default set up of the aware theme, the content slides appear across the entire with of the side, with both columns appearing underneath the slides.

I would like to change this so I that the content slides are only as wide as the left column, and have the right column appear next to them. Does anyone know how to do this?

Alternatively, it would be great if I could feature some buttons for volunteering, and donating directly to the right of the content slides. Would this be possible at all?

Official response from

The Featured Content Sliders are included in the theme via a partial template called _features.html. In Aware, this template is included in the _layout.html file (as pictured below). 


To have the Featured Content Sliders appear solely within the left column, as you've described, you would need to remove that partial template from the _layout.html file and instead include it in your _columns_2.html file. (within the left column). 

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