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published Need event receipts to have "ticket" information in Questions
posted 2015-08-20 22:18:36 -0700
commented on Need to Edit Donation Fields
Can you make certain fields unrequired? For instance, we do not need to collect peoples phone numbers or email addresses, but they are not allowed to complete the form without these fields being completed.
posted 2013-04-10 22:36:34 -0700
commented on "Unrequiring" Donation page fields?
Can they become optional fields? We are greatly concerned people will be turned off that they are providing information that they then can be spammed with, and thus not donate. If we cannot turn it off, is there an autofill option that we can, in a sense, fill in with an “N/A”?
posted 2013-04-11 10:08:56 -0700