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Donations API

In order to use the Donations API, you should first get the donor_id's (NationBuilder ID's) for the people to whom donations are to be attributed. You'll use our [People endpoints]( for this, such as Match, which supports a person lookup based on name, phone number or email address. If the person you'd like to attach a donation to does not already exist, you'll want to add them using the Create, Push, or Add endpoints.


Donation Resource

Name Description Writable Required Example Value(s)
amount amount of donation in the nation's currency N N $10.00
amount_in_cents amount of donation in cents Y Y 1000
author_id id of the person who created the donation N N1 67
billing_address an address resource representing the billing address Y N (see Address Resource)
canceled_at timestamp representing when the donation was canceled Y N 2014-02-14T15:22:12-05:00
check_number check/wire/MO number Y N 4747392947582
corporate_contribution true if the donation is a corporate contribution Y N false
created_at timestamp representing when the donation was created N N 2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00
donor_id the person id of the donor Y N2 8472
donor an abbreviated person resource representing the donor N N (see Abbreviated Person Resource)
email the donor's email address Y N3 [email protected]
employer the name of the donor's employer Y N3 ABC Consulting Co
failed_at timestamp representing when the donation failed Y N 2014-02-14T15:22:12-05:00
first_name the donor's first name Y N3 Sarah
id id of the donation N N 314
import_id id of the import job (if the donation was imported) N N 890
is_private false if the donation should be posted publicly on the site Y N false
last_name the donor's last name Y N3 Kerrigan
mailing_slug slug of the mailing page N N la_family
membership a membership resource. The donation must be successful in order for the membership to be applied. Y N (see Membership Resource)
merchant_account_id id of the merchant account used for paying the donation Y N 11
middle_name the donor's middle name Y N Marie
ngp_id an id which is present if the donor has been imported from NGP VAN Y N 56
note a note for this donation Y N very generous
occupation the donor's occupation Y N3 Consultant
page_slug slug of the donation page N N ticket_sales
payment_type_name name of the payment type Y Y4 Check
payment_type_ngp_code code of the payment type Y Y4 K
pledge_id the id of the pledge this donation fulfills. Pledges are promises received from supporters to donate money in the future. N N 129
recruiter_name_or_email recruiter's name or email address (will also be credited as the fundraiser for this donation) Y N5 [email protected]
recurring_donation_id an id present if the donation is recurring N N6 89
succeeded_at timestamp representing when the donation succeeded Y N7 2013-02-21T10:04:15-05:00
tracking_code_slug tracking code for this donation Y N vip
updated_at timestamp representing when the donation was last updated N N 2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00
work_address an address resource representing the work address Y N (see Address Resource)

[1]: on the Create endpoint this field will be set to the person id of the API access token's owner.
[2]: it is strongly recommended to specify this field. If omitted, email or first_name and last_name become required and a new Person may be created.
[3]: use the donor_id field instead to specify a donor. By specifying any of these fields you override the value of the same field on the donor.
[4]: default: Cash (C). It is strongly recommended to specify one of these fields.
[5]: if a recruiter already exists on the person this will not change that, the person included here would then be credited as only the fundraiser.
[6]: this field is for internal use only.
[7]: if omitted the donation will be considered failed.

These fields are always visible but contain null values unless the Voter addon is enabled:

Name Description Writable Required Example Value(s)
actblue_order_number ActBlue order number Y N 543
fec_type FEC code name Y N1 Contribution
fec_type_ngp_code NGP FEC code Y N1 C
election an election resource representing an election Y N2 (see Election Resource)

[1]: default: Contribution (C). It is strongly recommended to specify one of these fields.
[2]: It is strongly recommended to specify this field.

Address Resource

Name Description Writable Required Example Value(s)
address1 first address line Y N1 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
address2 second address line Y N Suite 200
address3 third address line Y N Apt. 207
city city Y N1 Los Angeles
state state Y N1 CA
zip zip code Y N1 90013
country_code country code Y N1 US
lat latitude (using WGS-84) Y N 34.0204989
lng longitude (using WGS-84) Y N -118.4117325

[1]: It is recommended to specify these fields.

Election Resource

Name Description Writable Required Example Value(s)
cycle election cycle Y N1,2 2012
period election period Y N1,3 General
period_ngp_code election period code Y N1,3 G

[1]: It is strongly recommended to specify cycle and either period or period_ngp_code.
[2]: default: the current election which is displayed on the Control Panel in the Political/Settings section.
[3]: default: Special (S) if cycle is defined, otherwise the value of the current election period which is displayed on the Control Panel in the Political/Settings section.

Index Endpoint

The index endpoint provides a paginated view of the donations in a nation.

GET /api/v1/donations


  • limit - max number of results to show on each page of results (max 100)
  • __nonce - generated pagination nonce. Do not modify.
  • __token - generated pagination token. Do not modify.


  "next": "/api/v1/donations?__nonce=3OUjEzI6iyybc1F3sk6YrQ&__token=ADGvBW9wM69kUiss1KqTIyVeQ5M6OwiL6ttexRFnHK9m&limit=1",
  "prev": null,
  "results": [
            "actblue_order_number": null,
            "amount": "$77.00",
            "amount_in_cents": 7700,
            "authorization": null,
            "author_id": 1,
            "billing_address": {
                "address1": "10 Hills St.",
                "address2": null,
                "address3": null,
                "city": "",
                "county": null,
                "state": "IA",
                "country_code": "US",
                "zip": "40184-9188",
                "lat": null,
                "lng": null,
                "fips": null,
                "street_number": "10",
                "street_prefix": null,
                "street_name": "Hills",
                "street_type": "St.",
                "street_suffix": null,
                "unit_number": null,
                "zip4": "9188",
                "zip5": "40184",
                "sort_sequence": null,
                "delivery_point": null,
                "lot": null,
                "carrier_route": null
            "canceled_at": null,
            "check_number": null,
            "corporate_contribution": false,
            "created_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:33-07:00",
            "donor": {
                "birthdate": null,
                "city_district": null,
                "civicrm_id": null,
                "county_district": null,
                "county_file_id": null,
                "created_at": "2018-04-10T14:00:21-07:00",
                "datatrust_id": null,
                "do_not_call": false,
                "do_not_contact": false,
                "dw_id": null,
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "email_opt_in": true,
                "employer": "",
                "external_id": null,
                "federal_district": null,
                "fire_district": null,
                "first_name": "Farz",
                "has_facebook": false,
                "id": 1561529,
                "is_twitter_follower": false,
                "is_volunteer": false,
                "judicial_district": null,
                "labour_region": null,
                "last_name": "Smith",
                "linkedin_id": null,
                "mobile": null,
                "mobile_opt_in": true,
                "middle_name": "",
                "nbec_guid": null,
                "ngp_id": null,
                "note": null,
                "occupation": "Physicist",
                "party": null,
                "pf_strat_id": null,
                "phone": null,
                "precinct_id": null,
                "primary_address": {
                    "address1": "10 Hills St",
                    "address2": null,
                    "address3": null,
                    "city": "",
                    "county": null,
                    "state": "IA",
                    "country_code": "US",
                    "zip": "40184-9188",
                    "lat": null,
                    "lng": null,
                    "fips": null,
                    "street_number": "10",
                    "street_prefix": null,
                    "street_name": "Hills",
                    "street_type": "St",
                    "street_suffix": null,
                    "unit_number": null,
                    "zip4": "9188",
                    "zip5": "40184",
                    "sort_sequence": null,
                    "delivery_point": null,
                    "lot": null,
                    "carrier_route": null
                "profile_image_url_ssl": "",
                "recruiter_id": null,
                "rnc_id": null,
                "rnc_regid": null,
                "salesforce_id": null,
                "school_district": null,
                "school_sub_district": null,
                "sex": null,
                "signup_type": 0,
                "state_file_id": null,
                "state_lower_district": null,
                "state_upper_district": null,
                "support_level": null,
                "supranational_district": null,
                "tags": [
                "twitter_id": null,
                "twitter_name": null,
                "updated_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:36-07:00",
                "van_id": null,
                "village_district": null,
                "ward": null,
                "work_phone_number": null,
                "multiple_choice": null,
                "voterockit_address_belong_to_": null,
                "voterockit_address_belong_to": null,
                "voter_circle_open": null,
                "haystaq": null,
                "hilary_supporter": null,
                "testing": null,
                "home_value": null,
                "worth": null,
                "vidyard": null,
                "instagram_like_count": null,
                "instagram_comment_count": null,
                "instagram_username": null
            "donor_id": 1561529,
            "election": {
                "cycle": "2018",
                "period": "General",
                "period_ngp_code": "G"
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "employer": "",
            "failed_at": null,
            "fec_type": "Contribution",
            "fec_type_ngp_code": "C",
            "first_name": "Farz",
            "id": 3590,
            "import_id": null,
            "is_private": false,
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "mailing_slug": null,
"membership": {
"name": "premier",
"person_id": 1561529,
"expires_on": "2019-07-10T15:03:29-07:00",
"started_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:29-07:00",
"created_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:33-07:0",
"updated_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:33-07:00",
"status": "active",
"status_reason": null
}, "merchant_account_id": null, "ngp_id": null, "note": null, "occupation": "Physicist", "page_slug": null, "payment_type_name": "Credit Card", "payment_type_ngp_code": "D", "pledge_id": null, "recruiter_name_or_email": "Farz Smith", "recurring_donation_id": null, "succeeded_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:29-07:00", "tracking_code_slug": null, "updated_at": "2018-07-10T15:03:33-07:00", "work_address": null } ] }

Use this endpoint to find donation records that have a certain attribute.

GET /api/v1/donations/search


  • succeeded_since - donations succeeded since the given date
  • created_since - donations created since the given date
  • failed_since - donations that failed to process since the given date
  • donor_id - the id of the donor, the response returns all donations made by this record


Make the request


Should give you a response like this:

  "results": [
      "actblue_order_number": null,
      "amount": "$345.00",
      "amount_in_cents": 34500,
      "authorization": null,
      "author_id": 1,
      "billing_address": {
        "address1": "123 Main St Los Angeles CA 90028 USA ",
        "address2": "",
        "address3": null,
        "city": "",
        "county": null,
        "state": null,
        "country_code": "",
        "zip": null,
        "lat": null,
        "lng": null,
        "fips": null,
        "street_number": "1231",
        "street_prefix": null,
        "street_name": "Main St. Los Angeles CA 90028 USA ",
        "street_type": null,
        "street_suffix": null,
        "unit_number": null,
        "zip4": null,
        "zip5": null,
        "sort_sequence": null,
        "delivery_point": null,
        "lot": null,
        "carrier_route": null
      "canceled_at": null,
      "check_number": null,
      "corporate_contribution": false,
      "created_at": "2017-11-09T10:39:38-08:00",
      "donor": {
        "birthdate": "1990-12-21",
        "city_district": "13",
        "civicrm_id": null,
        "county_district": "1",
        "county_file_id": null,
        "created_at": "2017-11-06T17:08:03-08:00",
        "datatrust_id": null,
        "do_not_call": false,
        "do_not_contact": false,
        "dw_id": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "email_opt_in": true,
        "employer": null,
        "external_id": null,
        "federal_district": "28",
        "fire_district": null,
        "first_name": "George",
        "has_facebook": true,
        "id": 1425180,
        "is_twitter_follower": false,
        "is_volunteer": false,
        "judicial_district": null,
        "labour_region": null,
        "last_name": "Costanza",
        "linkedin_id": null,
        "mobile": null,
        "mobile_opt_in": true,
        "nbec_guid": null,
        "ngp_id": null,
        "note": null,
        "occupation": null,
        "party": null,
        "pf_strat_id": null,
        "phone": null,
        "precinct_id": null,
        "primary_address": {
          "address1": "123 Main St.",
          "address2": null,
          "address3": null,
          "city": "Los Angeles",
          "county": "Los Angeles",
          "state": "CA",
          "country_code": "US",
          "zip": "90028",
          "lat": "34.094749",
          "lng": "-118.2780302",
          "fips": null,
          "street_number": "123",
          "street_prefix": null,
          "street_name": "Main",
          "street_type": "St",
          "street_suffix": null,
          "unit_number": null,
          "zip4": null,
          "zip5": "90028",
          "sort_sequence": null,
          "delivery_point": null,
          "lot": null,
          "carrier_route": null
        "profile_image_url_ssl": "",
        "recruiter_id": null,
        "rnc_id": null,
        "rnc_regid": null,
        "salesforce_id": null,
        "school_district": "19647330000000",
        "school_sub_district": "5",
        "sex": "O",
        "signup_type": 0,
        "state_file_id": null,
        "state_lower_district": "51",
        "state_upper_district": "24",
        "support_level": null,
        "supranational_district": null,
        "tags": [
        "twitter_id": null,
        "twitter_name": null,
        "updated_at": "2017-11-13T06:24:22-08:00",
        "van_id": null,
        "village_district": null,
        "ward": null,
        "work_phone_number": null,
        "multiple_choice": null,
        "voterockit_address_belong_to_": null,
        "voterockit_address_belong_to": null,
        "voter_circle_open": null,
        "haystaq": null,
        "hilary_supporter": null,
        "vidyard": null,
        "instagram_like_count": null,
        "instagram_comment_count": null,
        "instagram_username": null
      "donor_id": 1425180,
      "election": {
        "cycle": "2020",
        "period": "Primary",
        "period_ngp_code": "P"
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "employer": "",
      "failed_at": null,
      "fec_type": "Contribution",
      "fec_type_ngp_code": "C",
      "first_name": "George",
      "id": 395,
      "import_id": null,
      "is_private": true,
      "last_name": "Costanza",
      "mailing_slug": null,
"membership": null, "merchant_account_id": null, "ngp_id": null, "note": "", "occupation": "", "page_slug": null, "payment_type_name": "Cash", "payment_type_ngp_code": "C", "pledge_id": null, "recruiter_name_or_email": "George Costanza", "recurring_donation_id": null, "succeeded_at": "2017-11-09T10:39:00-08:00", "tracking_code_slug": null, "updated_at": "2017-11-09T10:39:38-08:00", "work_address": null } ], "next": "/api/v1/donations/search?__nonce=APcxjqC717ztKJw-iwZ2Ng\u0026__token=ADR6Ed2YQdyEpM2YRgu7q_X0ZiJ0rSUNk8D-3IYvre6a\u0026limit=1\u0026succeeded_since=2016-11-09T10%3A39%3A38-08%3A00", "prev": null

Create Endpoint

This endpoint creates a donation with the provided data. It returns a full representation of the donation that was created. If the creation step fails, it returns an error.

POST /api/v1/donations


  • donation - the resource of the donation to be created
  • A donation is always attached to a donor. Use the Create or Match endpoints on the People API to create or find the person who will act as the donor.
  • When creating a donation, the id of the donor should be specified in the donor_id field.
  • If donor_id is specified the following fields are copied from the donor to the donation so there is no need to specify them: email, first_name, last_name, employer, occupation, recruiter_id.
  • Recurringdonationid should not be set when creating a new donation.


Create or find a person to whom this donation should be attached. See the People API documentation Create and Match endpoints for examples.

Assuming you have a person with id 87, make the request:

POST /api/v1/donations

With attached body content like this:

  "donation": {
      "amount_in_cents": 1000,
      "payment_type_name": "Cash",
      "donor_id": 87,
      "succeeded_at": "2013-02-21T10:04:15-04:00",
      "fec_type": "Contribution",
      "election": {
          "cycle": "2014",
          "period": "General",
          "period_ngp_code": "G"
"membership": {
"name": "premier"
} } }

You will receive a response of status 200, with response body like this:

  "donation": {
      "actblue_order_number": null,
      "amount": "$10.00",
      "amount_in_cents": 1000,
      "author_id": 67,
      "billing_address": null,
      "canceled_at": null,
      "check_number": null,
      "corporate_contribution": null,
      "created_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
      "donor_id": 87,
      "donor": {
          "id": 87,
          "external_id": null,
          "support_level": null,
          "first_name": "Sarah",
          "last_name": "Kerrigan",
          "email": null,
          "phone": null,
          "mobile": null,
          "birthdate": null,
          "sex": null,
          "note": null,
          "primary_address": null,
          "tags": [],
          "recruiter_id": 8472,
          "created_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
          "updated_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
          "mobile_opt_in": true,
          "email_opt_in": true,
          "is_volunteer": false,
          "is_twitter_follower": false,
          "has_facebook": false,
          "state_file_id": null,
          "nbec_guid": null,
          "van_id": null,
          "dw_id": null,
          "do_not_call": false,
          "do_not_contact": false,
          "ngp_id": null,
          "pf_strat_id": null,
          "county_file_id": null,
          "twitter_name": null,
          "twitter_id": null,
          "salesforce_id": null,
          "civicrm_id": null,
          "linkedin_id": null,
          "employer": null,
          "occupation": null,
          "supranational_district": null,
          "federal_district": null,
          "labour_region": null,
          "state_upper_district": null,
          "state_lower_district": null,
          "city_district": null,
          "county_district": null,
          "judicial_district": null,
          "school_district": null,
          "school_sub_district": null,
          "village_district": null,
          "fire_district": null,
          "precinct_id": null,
          "party": null,
          "rnc_id": null,
          "rnc_regid": null
      "election": {
          "cycle": "2014",
          "period": "General",
          "period_ngp_code": "G"
      "email": null,
      "employer": null,
      "failed_at": null,
      "fec_type": "Contribution",
      "fec_type_ngp_code": "C",
      "first_name": "Sarah",
      "id": 89,
      "import_id": null,
      "is_private": null,
      "last_name": "Kerrigan",
      "mailing_slug": null,
"membership": {
"name": "premier",
"person_id": 87,
"expires_on": null,
"started_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
"created_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
"updated_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
"status": "active",
"status_reason": null
}, "merchant_account_id": null, "ngp_id": null, "note": null, "occupation": null, "page_slug": null, "payment_type_name": "Cash", "payment_type_ngp_code": "C", "pledge_id": null, "recruiter_name_or_email": "Sarah Kerrigan", "recurring_donation_id": null, "succeeded_at": "2013-02-21T10:04:15-04:00", "tracking_code_slug": "foo_bar", "updated_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00", "work_address": null } }

Update Endpoint

This endpoint updates a donation with the provided id and data. It returns a full representation of the updated donation. If the update step fails, it returns an error.

PUT /api/v1/donations/:id


  • donation - the resource attributes of the donation to change


Make this request (assuming you have a donation with id 89):

PUT /api/v1/donations/89

With request body like this:

  "donation": {
      "amount_in_cents": 2500
"membership": {
"name": "premier",
"expires_on": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00"
} }

You will receive a response of status 200 and body response like this:

  "donation": {
      "actblue_order_number": null,
      "amount": "$25.00",
      "amount_in_cents": 2500,
      "author_id": 67,
      "billing_address": null,
      "canceled_at": null,
      "check_number": null,
      "corporate_contribution": null,
      "created_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
      "donor_id": 87,
      "donor": {
          "id": 87,
          "external_id": null,
          "support_level": null,
          "first_name": "Sarah",
          "last_name": "Kerrigan",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phone": null,
          "mobile": null,
          "birthdate": null,
          "sex": null,
          "note": null,
          "primary_address": {
              "address1": "614 Zemlak Rds",
              "address2": null,
              "address3": null,
              "city": "West Kale",
              "state": "Massachusetts",
              "country_code": "US",
              "zip": "85212-7232",
              "lat": null,
              "lng": null
          "tags": [],
          "recruiter_id": 8472,
          "created_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
          "updated_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
          "mobile_opt_in": true,
          "email_opt_in": true,
          "is_volunteer": false,
          "is_twitter_follower": false,
          "has_facebook": false,
          "state_file_id": null,
          "nbec_guid": null,
          "van_id": null,
          "dw_id": null,
          "do_not_call": false,
          "do_not_contact": false,
          "ngp_id": null,
          "pf_strat_id": null,
          "county_file_id": null,
          "twitter_name": null,
          "twitter_id": null,
          "salesforce_id": null,
          "civicrm_id": null,
          "linkedin_id": null,
          "employer": null,
          "occupation": null,
          "supranational_district": null,
          "federal_district": null,
          "labour_region": null,
          "state_upper_district": null,
          "state_lower_district": null,
          "city_district": null,
          "county_district": null,
          "judicial_district": null,
          "school_district": null,
          "school_sub_district": null,
          "village_district": null,
          "fire_district": null,
          "precinct_id": null,
          "party": null,
          "rnc_id": null,
          "rnc_regid": null
      "election": null,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "employer": null,
      "failed_at": null,
      "fec_type": null,
      "fec_type_ngp_code": null,
      "first_name": "Sarah",
      "id": 89,
      "import_id": null,
      "is_private": null,
      "last_name": "Kerrigan",
      "mailing_slug": null,
"membership": {
"name": "premier",
"person_id": 87,
"expires_on": "2015-02-14T14:36:29-05:00",
"started_at": "2014-05-15T10:12:11-05:00",
"created_at": "2014-05-15T10:12:11-05:00",
"updated_at": "2014-05-15T10:12:11-05:00",
"status": "active",
"status_reason": null
"merchant_account_id": null, "ngp_id": null, "note": null, "occupation": null, "page_slug": null, "payment_type_name": "Cash", "payment_type_ngp_code": "C", "pledge_id": null, "recruiter_name_or_email": "Sarah Kerrigan", "recurring_donation_id": null, "succeeded_at": "2014-02-14T14:36:29-05:00", "tracking_code_slug": "foo_bar", "updated_at": "2014-05-15T10:12:11-05:00", "work_address": null } }

Destroy Endpoint

This endpoint removes a donation with the provided id. It takes no parameters and returns response code 204 on success.

DELETE /api/v1/donations/:id

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be set in the API, and will also be included in all donation resource responses.

See documentation for custom fields on the API for more details.

If you have suggestions for these docs, they are public on Github and we accept pull requests.