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Imports API

Create and run imports into your nation with this API.

Create/Run Endpoint

Use this endpoint to import into your nation. This will create and enqueue the import to run. Each import should be 50mb or less - please chunk large files and use multiple calls.

POST /api/v1/imports


  • type - either "people" or "ballot", depending on what fields you wish to import with the file. Note that these import types must be imported separately, and voter history should be imported only after voter file information has processed into the nation you are updating.
  • file - a RFC 4648 base 64 encoded version of the contents of the UTF-8 file you wish to import, using the alphabet defined as "URL and Filename safe Base64 Alphabet" by the standard.
  • is_overwritable - Set this flag to true to overwrite non-empty fields. Default is false.


Attributes available are for the person directly, relation fields such as those for addresses, voting history, custom fields and recruiters need to be prefixed by their relations name, for example:

  • ballots.vote_method
  • custom_fields.[custom field slug], (ex.custom_fields.university_name
  • or

Required ballot import attributes:

  • ballots.vote_method - Required field with possible values of voted, early, or absentee
  • election.country_code - Required 2 letter code from ISO 3166
  • election.state - Required 2 letter code if the election is within the United States

The ballot file being imported must contain one of the following:

  • and registered_address.state, or
  • and registered_address.state and registered_address.county, or
  • id - The NationBuilder unique ID


In order to import the following file:


You need to issue the following request:

  "import": {
    "type": "people",
    "file": "aWQsZmlyc3RfbmFtZSxsYXN0X25hbWUNCjEsQnlyb24sQW5kZXJzb24"

To get the value to put in the "file" field, you can use a library such as this for Ruby or this for Java On a most Unix machines, you can use base64 -i my_spreadsheet.csv to base64 encode a CSV file.

Success on this endpoint will return a 200 response and a JSON response including a new "id" field and excluding the encoded file contents:

  "import": {
    "id": 5,
    "type": "people",
    "status": {
      "name": "queued"

This will queue the import to run.

In order to import the following ballot file:

id,registered_address.state, ballots.vote_method, election.country_code, election.election_at, election.state, 39210, CA, voted, US, 2016-11-04, CA

You need to issue the following request:

  "import": {
    "type": "ballot",
    "file": "c3RhdGVfZmlsZS5pZAlyZWdpc3RlcmVkX2FkZHJlc3Muc3RhdGUJYmFsbG90cy52b3RlX21ldGhvZAllbGVjdGlvbi5jb3VudHJ5X2NvZGUJZWxlY3Rpb24uZWxlY3Rpb25fYXQJZWxlY3Rpb24uc3RhdGUNCjMyOTEwCUNBCXZvdGVkCVVTCTIwMDgtMTEtMDQJQ0E"

Which will return the following response:

  "import": {
    "id": 252,
    "type": "ballot",
    "status": {
      "name": "queued",
      "queue": "importshigh",
      "position": 0
    "is_overwritable": false

Show Endpoint

Show the progress status of an import with this endpoint

GET /api/v1/imports/:id


  • id - The import ID returned by the import create endpoint.

Example output

  "import": {
    "id": 5,
    "type": "people",
    "status": {
      "name": "queued"

Result Endpoint

Returns the detailed import result of a finished imported.

GET /api/v1/imports/:id/result


  • id - The import ID returned by the import create endpoint.

Example Output

  "result": {
    "rows_updated": 44,
    "rows_succeeded": 267,
    "rows_failed": 54,

Possible statuses you can receive are queued, working, and finished, and more information may be available for you to understand the status of your import.

Once the status has indicated that the import is completed, import results endpoint can be used to retreive import result statistics:

GET /api/v1/imports/5/result
  "result": {
    "rows_updated": 44,
    "rows_succeeded": 267,
    "rows_failed": 54,