Recorded webinars
We’ve shared in the past how advanced privacy benefits campaigns and how NationBuilder’s advanced privacy tools can help you reach the people who truly want to engage with you. Given the ongoing developments in privacy legislation around the globe, it’s never been more important to ensure that you are respecting the privacy choices of your supporters.
Customers send over 1.5 billion emails with NationBuilder every year, so we’ve learned a thing or two about email strategies––what works and what doesn’t.
In this webinar, we cover:
- What email deliverability is and why it's important
- How to get your emails delivered, opened and engaged with
- Building a long-term email program that stands the test of time
What does it take to exceed your organizing goals despite unprecedented circumstances? In this webinar, covered the strategies that propelled some of our customers toward inspiring successes in Lebanon, Kenya, Switzerland, and the U.S. over the course of the last year.
Lorsque qu’une personne s’inscrit sur votre site pour la première fois, c’est le moment où elle est la plus enthousiaste et motivée par votre mission - et vous n'avez qu'une seule chance pour faire bonne impression. Ce moment crucial est l'occasion de l'accueillir chaleureusement, de lui présenter votre organisation, et de la guider pour qu'elle continue à s'engager selon ses motivations et ses capacités.
Souhaitez-vous améliorer l'accueil de vos nouveaux sympathisants de façon appropriée et de maximiser vos taux de rétention ?
Visionnez ce webinar sur les parcours de bienvenue, afin d'apprendre à bâtir des relations solides et durables avec chaque nouvel inscrit.
Les thèmes abordés :
- L’importance et les bénéfices des parcours de bienvenue
- Les bonnes pratiques à intégrer dans votre processus d’accueil
- Comment utiliser les séries automatisées pour gérer ce processus
- Comment analyser et continuer d'optimiser votre programme
On average, NationBuilder customers who leverage our digital engagement and gamification features recruit 25 times more new signups. That’s because a small segment of your most engaged supporters are responsible for the majority of your word of mouth, which drives the recruitment of new signups, volunteers, advocates, and donors. So, how can you go about finding and motivating these top tier supporters?
This webinar covers the following:
- Why it's important to identify your top tier supporters and how you can do so with NationBuilder
- Defining social capital
- How you can use social capital to address internal needs and boost your external engagement with supporters
Alors que les candidats aux régionales et départementales se préparent, nous vous invitons à regarder l'enregistrement de cette discussion autour des stratégies numériques les plus performantes en politique.
Nous avons reçu 3 experts en campagnes politiques et mobilisation pour parler des enjeux des prochaines élections, des pratiques observées chez les campagnes les plus efficaces, des innovations qui font progresser le secteur et permettent de mieux communiquer et engager les électeurs, en particulier en ces temps inhabituels.
Eve Zuckerman, France Digitale : Franco-Américaine, Eve a participé à des campagnes politiques d’ampleur nationale en France et aux Etats-Unis, notamment en tant que directrice numérique de la campagne présidentielle d’Alain Juppé, avant de rejoindre le cabinet du Premier ministre comme conseillère communication digitale. Elle est aujourd’hui la directrice de la communication et du marketing pour France Digitale.
Ninon Lagarde, Tous Élus : Militante de longue date, Ninon a co-fondé Tous Élus, une association qui encourage les citoyens à se présenter en tant que candidats aux élections et leur apporte du soutien pendant leur campagne. Elle a créé l’Agence Ficelle pour accompagner les ONG, entreprises, associations et mouvement politiques sur les questions d’intelligence collective.
Bruno Walther, La Source Vive : Bruno a créé la première agence de communication politique en France et travaillé sur la campagne numérique de Jacques Chirac en 2002. Il codirige aujourd’hui avec Virginie Valiere l’agence La Source Vive, Architecte certifié NationBuilder, qui aide les organisations à mobiliser leurs supporters sur les questions climatiques.
Recruiting, engaging and retaining members is hard, but crucial work for many organisations. The majority of this work happens in December and January and is a key part of overall fundraising and engagement efforts. There are still a few weeks to get ready for the task, so we're talking about what you can do to better leverage NationBuilder for your renewal campaigns so you can focus on one-to-one engagement with lapsed members.
In this webinar, we cover how to:
- Identify the audience you want to target
- Create an automated renewal campaign using workflows
- Track campaign progress throughout the campaign
While 2020 has presented nonprofits of all sizes with unprecedented challenges, it’s also given donors a chance to show their support and solidarity through generous online giving. Drawing from her own nonprofit fundraising experience, NationBuilder's Chief Strategy Officer Hilary Doe shares insights from the first half of the year as well as tools, tactics, and strategies for a fully digital end-of-year giving season.
This webinar covers:
- Strategies for effective digital engagement with donors
- Increasing the frequency of giving and recurring donations over the next year
- Equipping your community to fundraise on your behalf
In this webinar, you will learn tactics and strategies for continuing to engage with your community regardless of the outcome of your election. Whether you win or lose, there are a multitude of ways that you can still impact the people and causes you care about. We will cover constituent services, movement building, single-issue strategies, and preparing for your next election.
Email automations are powerful because they save you time from doing repetitive tasks and allow you to both scale your communications and create journeys for your supporters.
You can use a Welcome series to gradually introduce your organization, improve your email deliverability—and there are many other uses for automations that can help streamline your supporter experience. From member winback, to re-engagement campaigns, to encouraging one-time donors to make their contribution recurring, we’ll show you a variety of examples to get you inspired.