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Address variables

Address variables are part of an address array. They are written as address_type.address_attribute, e.g. home_address.address1.

These variables can be displayed or requested on event, petition, signup, and volunter signup pages with three address types: home (prefix is home_address), work (prefix is work_address), and mailing (prefix is mailing_address). The billing address (prefix is billing_address) can be requested on donation, event, invoice, petition, and volunteer signup pages.

The primary address can be displayed using prefix 'address.' Since primary address refers to a particular type of address, it is read-only.

Variable Description
address1Street address (line 1) e.g. 125 Main St.
address2Street address (line 2) e.g. Apartment 4R
cityCity e.g. Witchita
stateState e.g. Kansas
zipPostal code e.g. 67201
countyCounty e.g. Sedgwick
locationA display friendly location, better than city_and_state, more internationally aware London, UK
city_and_stateCity and State e.g. Witchita, Kansas
country_codeCountry Code (ISO alpha-2) e.g. US
phone_numberPhone number e.g. 323-963-4308
work_phone_numberWork phone number e.g. 323-555-1212
multi_lineDisplay address in multiple lines e.g.
one_lineDisplay address in one line e.g. {{ donation.billing_address.one_line }}
google_map_linkGoogle Map link for address e.g.
yahoo_map_linkYahoo Map link for address e.g.