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Feedback page variables
Variable Description
first_nameCollect the users first name in feedback form e.g.
last_nameCollect the users last name e.g. Same as first_name, except with last_name variable
emailCollect the users email e.g. Same as first_name, except with email variable
name_or_email? e.g.
submitted_addressCollect the users address e.g. Same as first_name, except with submitted_address variable
mobile_numberCollect the users mobile number e.g. Same as first_name, except with mobile_number variable
is_volunteerAsk if user wants to volunteer e.g.
email_opt_inAsk if user wants to opt-in to emails e.g. Same as is_volunteer, except with email_opt_in variable
is_privateAsk if user wants their feedback to be private e.g. Same as is_volunteer, except with is_private variable
contentDisplays content specified in page's admin section e.g. {{ }}