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Site variables
Variable Description
slughttp://[slug] e.g. www
nameName of your site e.g. Abe Lincoln for President
long_nameLonger name
candidate_name_or_site_nameCandidate's name, or the site name if no candidate e.g. Abe Lincoln
candidate_first_name_or_site_nameCandidate's first name, or the site name if no candidate e.g. Abe
titleDefault page title, important for search engines e.g. Abe Lincoln for President 2012
headlineSite headline e.g. Abe Lincoln
subheadlineSite subheadline e.g. for President
urlURL of homepage without the http e.g.
full_urlURL of homepage e.g.
mobile_menu_urlURL of mobile menu e.g. /mobile_menu
languageDefault site language which can be configured in the site settings e.g. {{ site.language }}
page_tagsPage tags used on the site e.g. {% if site.page_tags contains "saturday" %}
ask_for_volunteers?Is asking for volunteers enabled on this site?
ask_for_mobiles?Ask for mobile numbers whenever possible
ask_to_publish_to_stream?Is the checkbox for asking people if they want to keep their form submissions turned on?
show_public_profiles?Are public profiles turned on?
show_parent_in_nav_dropdown?Include the parent page in the nav menu dropdowns
is_homepage?Are you currently on the homepage? e.g. {% if site.is_homepage? %}
homepageHome page, a page object e.g. {{ site.homepage.url }}
has_button1?Is there a big button #1? e.g. {% if site.has_button1? %}
button1_textText for the first button e.g. {{ site.button1_text }}
button1_pagePage to link to for the first button e.g. {{ site.button1_page.url }}
has_button2?Is there a big button #2? e.g. {% if site.has_button2? %}
button2_textText for the first button e.g. {{ site.button2_text }}
button2_pagePage to link to for the second button e.g. {{ site.button2_page.url }}
has_button3?Is there a big button #3? e.g. {% if site.has_button3? %}
button3_textText for the third button e.g. {{ site.button3_text }}
button3_pagePage to link to for the third button e.g. {{ site.button3_page.url }}
has_donation_page?Is there a primary donation page? e.g. {% if site.has_donation_page? %}
donation_pagePrimary donation page e.g. {{ site.donation_page }}
has_membership_page?Is there a primary membership page? e.g. {% if site.has_membership_page? %}
has_volunteer_page?Is there a primary volunteer page? e.g. {% if site.has_volunteer_page? %}
volunteer_pagePrimary volunteer page e.g. {{ site.volunteer_page.url }}
has_rule_page?Is there a rules page? e.g. {{ site.has_rule_page? }}
rule_pageRules page e.g. {{ site.rule_page }}
has_friends_page?Is there a primary find friends page? e.g. {% if site.has_friends_page? %}
friends_pagePrimary find a friends page e.g. {{ site.friends_page.url }}
has_splash_page?Is there a splash page? e.g. {% if site.has_splash_page? %}
splash_pageSplash page for this site (optional) e.g. {{ site.splash_page.url }}
has_signup_page?Is there a signup page? e.g. {% if site.has_signup_page? %}
signup_pageSignup page for this site e.g. {{ site.signup_page.url }}
has_invoice_page?Is there a primary invoices page? e.g. {% if site.has_invoice_page? %}
invoice_pagePrimary invoices page e.g. {{ site.invoice_page.url }}
has_broadcaster?Is there an official broadcaster for this site e.g. {% if site.has_broadcaster? %}
broadcasterOfficial broadcaster for this site
has_facebook?Is there an official facebook or open graph page? e.g. {% if site.has_facebook? %}
has_facebook_page?Is there an official facebook page? e.g. {% if site.has_facebook_page? %}
is_facebook_like_dark?Is the Facebook like button set to dark (for darker themes)
facebook_colorschemeFacebook color scheme variable
open_graph_broadcasterThe broadcaster who uses this site as their homepage e.g. {{ site.open_graph_broadcaster.open_graph_type }}
has_meta_image?Does the site have a primary image?
meta_image_urlLogo used by Facebook share/digg/etc. e.g. <img src="{{ site.meta_image_url }}" />
meta_image_medium_urlImage used by Facebook share/digg/etc. e.g. <img src="{{ site.meta_image_medium_url }}" />
meta_image_large_urlImage used by Facebook share/digg/etc. e.g. <img src="{{ site.meta_image_large_url }}" />
has_header_image?Does the site have a header image?
header_image_url_960960px wide header image e.g. <img src="{{ site.header_image_url_960 }}" />
header_image_url_980980px wide header image e.g. <img src="{{ site.header_image_url_980 }}" />
header_image_url_10261026px wide header image e.g. <img src="{{ site.header_image_url_1026 }}" />
header_image_url_20482048px wide header image e.g. <img src="{{ site.header_image_url_2048 }}" />
has_background_image?Does the site have a background image? (used by some themes)
background_image_url e.g. <img src="{{ site.background_image_url }}" />
footer_contentContent for footer e.g. {{ site.footer_content }}
activitiesA paginated array of the 20 most recent public activity objects for the entire nation
root_nav_pagesAll the pages in the main nav e.g.
root_nav_pages_reversedSame as previous, just in reverse order
supporter_pagesAll the pages in the supporter nav e.g.
most_recent_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published page
most_recent_petition_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published petition pages
most_recent_endorsement_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published endorsement pages
most_recent_blog_post_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published blog post pages
most_recent_suggestion_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published suggestion pages
most_recent_faq_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published faq pages
most_recent_question_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published question pages
most_recent_press_release_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published press release pages
most_recent_survey_pagesA paginated array of the 20 most recently published survey pages
upcoming_event_pagesA paginated array of 20 upcoming event pages
recent_supportersA list of recent supporters by name e.g. {{ site.recent_supporters }}
recent_supporters_with_picturesA list of recent supporters by picture e.g. {{ site.recent_supporters_with_pictures }}
random_supportersA randomized list of 20 supporters e.g. {{ site.random_supporters }}
random_supporters_with_picturesA randomized list of 20 supporters with pictures e.g. {{ site.random_supporters_with_pictures }}