Event page variables
Variable | Description |
content | Displays content specified in page's admin section e.g. {{ page.event.content }} |
event content | Displays the event content e.g. {{ event.event.content }} |
local_start_at | Date and time when event will begin e.g. {{ page.event.local_start_at | date: '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p' }} |
local_end_at | Date and time when event will end e.g. {{ page.event.local_end_at | date: '%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p' }} |
time_zone | ? e.g. |
is_multi_day? | Does the event span multiple days? e.g. {% if page.event.is_multi_day? %} |
days_until | Number of days until the event e.g. {{ page.event.days_until }} |
duration_in_seconds | ?e.g. |
duration | Length of time the event will last e.g. 3 hours 25 minutes |
user_ticket_price | |
user_ticket_price_with_currency | |
user_ticket_currency | |
user_ticket_purchase_url | |
is_ticket_required? | Checks if a ticket is required e.g. {% if page.event.is_ticket_required? %} |
ticket_levels | Displays ticket levels e.g. |
is_location? | Checks if the event has a physical address e.g. {% if page.event.is_location? %} |
has_venue? | Checks if the event has a venue defined e.g. {% if page.event.has_venue? %} |
venue_name | Displays the venue name e.g. {{ event.page.venue_name }} |
venue_address | Venue address object e.g. {{ event.page.venue_address.one_line }} |
Variable | Description |
has_contact? | |
contact_name | |
contact_email | |
is_contact_email_private? | |
has_public_contact_email? | |
contact_phone_number | |
is_contact_phone_private? | |
has_public_contact_phone_number? |
Variable | Description |
is_private? | Checks if the event is private e.g. {% if page.event.is_private? %} |
accept_rsvps? | Whether people can RSVP for this evente.g. {% if page.event.accept_rsvps? %} |
allow_guests? | Whether RSVPs are allowed to bring guests e.g. |
show_guests? | Checks if guests should be displayed e.g. {% if page.event.show_guests? and page.event.rsvps_count > 0 %} |
has_facebook? | Is this event on Facebook e.g. |
facebook_url | URL for event on Facebook e.g. |
has_meetup? | Is this event on Meetup e.g. |
meetup_url | URL for event on Meetup e.g. |
is_shifts? | Checks if the event should ask for shiftse.g. {% if page.event.is_shifts? %} |
shifts | Array of shifts for event (sorted by oldest first)e.g. {% for shift in page.event.shifts %} |
shifts_grouped_by_day | Array of days of shiftse.g. {% for day in page.event.shifts_grouped_by_day %} |
require_phone? | Require the RSVP to provide a phone number e.g. |
require_address? | Require the RSVP to provide an address e.g. |
home_address | Allows input to discrete home address fields (address1, address2, address3, city, state, zip, county, country_code) instead of submitted_address e.g. |
billing_address | Allows input to discrete billing address fields (address1, address2, address3, city, state, zip, county, country_code) instead of submitted_address |
work_address | Allows input to discrete work address fields (address1, address2, address3, city, state, zip, county, country_code) instead of submitted_address |
mailing_address | Allows input to discrete mailing address fields (address1, address2, address3, city, state, zip, county, country_code) instead of submitted_address |
is_volunteers? | Checks if the page is asking for volunteers e.g. |
Variable | Description |
is_hosts? | Checks if the event has a host defined e.g. {% if page.event.is_hosts? or request.current_recruiter %} |
hosts | An array of event host objects |
rsvps | An array of event RSVP objects |
rsvps_count | Number of RSVPs for an event e.g. {{ page.event.rsvps_count }} |
is_rsvped? | Checks if the user has RSVPed e.g. {% if page.event.is_rsvped? %} |
current_rsvp? | Checks if the user has already RSVPed e.g. {{ page.event.current_rsvp | delete_link message: "Cancel RSVP" }} |
maximum_capacity | Max capacity for an event e.g. {{ page.event.maximum_capacity }} |
is_maximum_capacity? | Checks if the event is at max capacity e.g. {% if page.event.is_maximum_capacity? %} |