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Signup variables
Variable Description
idSignup's NationBuilder ID e.g. 27382
usernameUser name e.g. rbuckyfuller
first_nameFirst name of signup e.g. Richard
middle_nameMiddle name of signup e.g. Buckminster
last_nameLast name of signup e.g. Fuller
first_name_or_friendFirst name, or "Friend" if we don't have one e.g. Abe
full_name_or_friendFull name or "Friend" if we don't have one e.g. Abe Lincoln
published_namePublished full name of signup e.g. {{ signup.published_name }}
published_first_namePublished first name of signup e.g. {{ signup.published_first_name }}
published_last_namePublished last name of signup e.g. {{ signup.published_last_name }}
published_name_linkedPublished full name, linked to profile e.g. {{ signup.published_name_linked }}
published_first_name_linkedPublished first name, linked to profile e.g. {{ signup.published_first_name_linked }}
signup_typeSignup type: 0 is person, 1 is organization e.g. {% if signup.signup_type == 1 %}
is_person?Checks if the signup is a person e.g. {% if signup.is_person? %}
is_organization?Checks if the signup is an organization e.g. {% if signup.is_organization? %}
name_or_emailName or email of signups e.g. {{ signup.name_or_email }}
emailEmail of signup e.g. [email protected]
emails_to_sentenceThe signups emails as a sentence e.g. [email protected] and [email protected]
descriptionThe signup's background text e.g. Stephen is a web developer living in Los Angeles
date of birthThe signup's date of birth e.g. {{ signup.born_at_chronic }}
ageThe signup's age in years e.g. {{ signup.age}}
sexThe signup's sex e.g. M
partyThe signup's political party e.g. D
previous_partyThe signup's previous political party e.g. D
demo_nameThe person's race e.g. Martian
tagsArray of tags for this person {% if request.sorta_logged_in? and request.current_signup.tags contains "fun" %}They have the "fun" tag{% endif %}
tag_listComma separated string of tags for this person
tag_list_sentenceThis person's tags as a sentence rain, cats, dogs, and umbrellas
submitted_addressAddress as submitted by them (not normalized at all) e.g. 555 figueroa st, los angeles
addressPrimary address of signup e.g. {{ signup.address.one_line }}
home_addressHome address of signup e.g. {{ signup.home_address.one_line }}
mailing_addressStreet address of signup e.g. {{ signup.mailing_address.one_line }}
registered_addressAddress they are registered to vote at (from Political Force) e.g. {{ signup.registered_address.one_line }}
work_addressWork address e.g. {{ signup.work_address.one_line }}
phone_numberPhone number of signup e.g. {{ signup.phone_number }}
work_phone_numberWork phone number of signup e.g. {{ signup.work_phone_number }}
mobile_numberMobile number of signup e.g. {{ signup.mobile_number }}
created_atWhen the signup was created e.g. {{ signup.created_at | time_ago }}
updated_atWhen the signup was last updated e.g. {{ signup.updated_at | time_ago }}
external_idSignup's external ID
is_opted_in?Checks if signup is opted in e.g. {% if signup.is_opted_in? %}
is_supporter?Checks if signup is e.g. {% if signup.is_opted_in? %}
support_levelSignup support level, 1-5 e.g. {{ signup.support_level}}
support_level_prettySignup support level wrapped in green/red background e.g. {{ signup.support_level_pretty | on_off_button_small }}
is_volunteer?Checks if the signup is a volunteer e.g. {% if signup.is_volunteer? %}
is_volunteer_prettyVolunteer status (includes staff/interns/etc) wrapped in green/red background e.g. {{ signup.is_volunteer_pretty | on_off_button_small }}
is_profile_searchable?Checks if profile is discoverable by search engines e.g. {% if signup.is_profile_searchable? %}
is_profile_published?Checks if profile is published on the site e.g. {% if signup.is_profile_published? %}
is_survey_question_private?Checks if survey question answers is set to private e.g. {% if signup.is_survey_question_private? %}
is_leaderboardable?Checks if they are included in leaderboards e.g. {% if signup.is_profile_private? %}
employer e.g. {{ signup.employer }}
occupation e.g. {{ signup.occupation }}
website e.g. {{ }}
bioBio, usually this is coming from Twitter e.g. {{ }}
parentArray of the signup's Point Person's signup variables e.g. {{ signup.parent.first_name }}
recruiterArray of the signup's Recruiter's signup variables e.g. {{ signup.recruiter.first_name }}
has_website?Checks if signup has a website e.g. {% if signup.has_website? %}
has_bio?Checks if signup has a biography e.g. {% if signup.has_bio? %}
has_parent?Do they have a point person?
has_password?Do they have a password? e.g. {% if signup.has_password? %}{% endif %}
has_mobile?Do they have a cell phone? e.g. {% if signup.has_mobile? %}{% endif %}
has_phone?Do they have a phone? e.g. {% if signup.has_phone? %}{% endif %}
has_work_phone?Do they have a work phone? e.g. {% if signup.has_work_phone? %}{% endif %}
has_full_address?Do we have their full address? e.g. {% if signup.has_full_address? %}
has_donated?Have they donated? e.g. {% if signup.has_donated? %}
has_facebook_authorization?Have they connected their Facebook account? e.g. {% if signup.has_facebook_authorization? %}
has_twitter_info?Is their Twitter account attached to their record? e.g. {% if has_twitter_info? %}
has_facebook_info?Is their Facebook account attached to their record? e.g. {% if signup.has_facebook_info? %}
has_name?Do they have a name? e.g. {% if signup.has_name? %}
has_email?Do they have an email address? e.g. {% if signup.has_email? %}
twitter_loginTwitter login, like @jgilliam e.g. {{ signup.twitter_login }}
twitter_profile_urlTwitter profile URL e.g. {{ signup.twitter_profile_url }}
facebook_profile_urlFacebook profile URL e.g. {{ signup.facebook_profile_url }}
facebook_profile_url_pathFacebook profile URL path /jgilliam e.g. {{ signup.facebook_profile_url_path }}
facebook_uidFacebook UID e.g. {{ signup.facebook_uid }}
linkedin_profile_urlLinkedIn profile URL e.g. {{ signup.linkedin_profile_url }}
rule_violations_countNumber of rule violations e.g. {{ signup.rule_violations_count }}
is_banned?Have they been banned? e.g. {{ signup.is_banned? }}
donations_amount_in_centsHow much they've donated in cents, so 2000 would be $20
donations_amount_formatHow much they've donated, but formatted like $20.00
donations_raised_amount_in_centsHow much money they've raised
donations_amount_this_cycle_in_centsHow much they've donated this cycle (only useful for political campaigns)
donations_raised_amount_this_cycle_in_centsHow much money they've raised this cycle (only useful for political campaigns)'
donations_pledged_amount_in_centsHow much they've pledged
donations_to_raise_amount_in_centsHow much they are supposed to raise (goal set in control panel)
donationsAn array of Donation objects
last_donationThe most recent donation
donations_countTotal number of donations by this person
maximum_donation_possible_this_periodThe maximum allowable amount for donations this period
maximum_donation_possible_this_cycleThe maximum allowable amount for donations this cycle
unfulfilled_pledgesAn array of unfulfilled Pledges
last_contactThe last contact made with this signup
revenue_amount_in_centsTotal amount of revenue from closed invoices
capital_amount_in_centsHow much political capital they have, in cents, so 2000 would be 20pc
capital_amount_formatHow much political capital they have, but formatted like 20pc
spent_capital_amount_in_centsHow much pc they've spent
received_capital_amount_in_centsHow much pc they've received
event_rsvpsArray of Event RSVP objects
membershipsAn array of a signup's memberships e.g. {% for membership in current_signup.memberships %}
is_intern?Checks if the signup has control panel access.
is_leader?No longer used
is_staff?No longer used
is_admin?Checks if the signup is an admin.
do_not_call?True if the user has opted out of phone calls. False otherwise.
do_not_contact?True if the user has opted out of contact. False otherwise.
has_assistant?True if the user has an assistant. False otherwise.
assistantReturns the Signup object for this Signup's assistant, if it exists.
relationshipsAn array of 100 relationships with other signups (only supporters) e.g. {% for relationship in current_signup.relationships %}
all_relationshipsAn array of 100 relationships with other signups (both prospects AND supporters) e.g. {% for relationship in current_signup.all_relationships %}
followings_countNumber of people signup is following e.g. {{ signup.followings_count }}
followers_countNumber of followers e.g. {{ signup.followers_count }}
followers_supporters_countNumber of followers who are supporters e.g. {{ signup.followers_supporters_count }}
followers_volunteers_countNumber of followers who are volunteers/staffers/interns e.g. {{ signup.followers_volunteers_count }}
followers_donors_countNumber of followers who are donors e.g. {{ signup.followers_donors_count }}
followers_possible_voters_countNumber of followers who could vote e.g. {{ signup.followers_possible_voters_count }}
followers_possible_voters_with_unknown_countNumber of followers who could vote, or at least we don't know that they can't. e.g. {{ signup.followers_possible_voters_with_unknown_count }}
recruits_countNumber of people signup has recruited e.g. {{ signup.recruits_count }}
followings_from_facebookAn array of signup objects of their top 6 Facebook friends that are now following them
followings_count_from_facebookNumber of people following signup from Facebook (not the number of Facebook friends) e.g. {{ signup.followings_count_from_facebook }}
following_idsAll following ids e.g {{ signup.following_ids }}
recruit_idsAll recruit ids e.g {{ signup.recruit_ids }}
following_page_idsAll the ids of pages they are following
volunteers_typesAn array of volunteer_type objects, volunteer roles this person has signed up for
received_capital_amount_formatTotal pc earned by signup, formatted for display e.g 400pc
spent_capital_amount_formatTotal pc spent by signup, formatted for display e.g {{ signup.spent_capital_amount_format }}
capital_amount_formatpc balance of signup, formatted for display e.g {{ signup.capital_amount_format }}
received_capital_amount_in_centsReceived pc amount without a decimal. Useful in if statements e.g {% if signup.received_capital_amount_in_cents > 1000 %}
capital_amount_in_centspc balance amount without a decimal e.g {% if signup.capital_amount_in_cents > 1000 %}
capitalsPaginated array of capital objects for their political capital balance sheet
followersPaginated array of signup objects for everyone following this person.
followingsPaginated array of signup objects for everyone followed by this person
recruitsPaginated array of signup objects for everyone this person has recruited
activitiesPaginated array of activities objects for all this person's public activity, sorted by most recent
recruiting_activitiesPaginated array of activitiesobjects for all the recruiting oriented activities of this person, sorted by most recent
recruiting_activities_incl_privateDisplays recruiting activities, including ones that have been made private, only to the logged in or sorta logged signup. Nothing will be returned otherwise.
profile_imageProfile image of signup (48px) e.g {{ signup.profile_image }}
bigger_profile_imageBigger profile image of signup (72px) e.g {{ signup.bigger_profile_image }}
smaller_profile_imageSmaller profile image of signup (24px) e.g {{ signup.smaller_profile_image }}
profile_image_urlJust the URL of the profile image e.g
logout_urlURL to logout e.g {{ signup.logout_url }}
follow_urlURL to follow signup e.g {{ signup.follow_url }}
unfollow_urlURL to stop following signup e.g {{ signup.unfollow_url }}
profile_urlURL to signup's public profile e.g {{ signup.profile_url }}
full_profile_urlFull URL to signup's public profile e.g
admin_urlURL to signup's admin page e.g {{ signup.admin_url }}
settings_urlURL to signup's settings page e.g {{ signup.settings_url }}
precinct_codeThe numeric precinct code
precinct_nameThe alphanumeric precinct name
supranational_districtSupranational District
federal_districtFederal District
state_upper_districtState Upper District
state_lower_districtState Lower District
county_districtCounty District
city_districtCity District
city_sub_districtCity Subdistrict
village_districtVillage/Neighborhood District
school_districtSchool District
school_sub_districtSchool Subdistrict
contact_historyReturns an array of contact Activity objects
custom_values_for_displayReturns an array of custom field values associated with the signup e.g {{ signup.custom_values_for_display['custom_field_slug'] }}
turnout_probability_scoreWith the Voter addon enabled, returns the signup's turnout probability score e.g {{ signup.turnout_probability_score }}
support_probability_scoreWith the Voter addon enabled, returns the signup's support probability score e.g {{ signup.support_probability_score }}
digital_willWith advanced privacy enabled, allows you to collect a person's digital will e.g {% text_area "digital_will.content", class:"textarea" %}

What fields can I write to from a signup form?