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Event shift variables
Variable Description
display_timeTime of shift e.g. 1pm-4pm
display_dateDate of shift e.g. April 24
start_at_dateStart date of shift (not formatted for display) e.g. {{ shift.start_at | date: '%m %d %Y' }}
start_atStart time of shift (not formatted for display) e.g. {{ shift.start_at | date: '%I:%M %p' }}
end_at_dateEnd date of shift
end_atEnding date & time of shift (not formatted)
rsvps_countNumber of people who have RSVP'ed for that shift e.g. {% if shift.rsvps_count > 14 %}This shift is full{% endif %}
percent_of_goalPerecentage of rsvps for that shift towards the goal for that shift e.g. 40%
attendees_countHow many people RSVPed for that shift and were marked as attendees e.g. 9
has_goal?Does the shift have a goal set in the shift settings? e.g. {% if shift.has_goal? %} {{ shift.percent_of_goal }} full {% endif %}